Introducing the partners - SLOVAKIA

Slovak school is called Primary School Nábrežná. There are about 600 pupils in there from 6 to 15 years old. The oldest are in Year 9, the youngest are in Year 1. Each Year has nearly 3 classes with 20 pupils in each class.
School starts at 7:45 am and generally finishes at 1:15 pm. There are 5 - 6 lessons every day, with 10 minutes break for relax and one "big" break of 20 minutes. There is not a lunch break, pupils usually take their lunch after school, some of them go to the school canteen, the others have lunch at home.
All the students have the same subjects : Slovak, Maths, History, Geography, PE, Religious studies, Technology, Art, Music, Science, foreign languages = English is obligatory, then they can choose German, Russian or French.
School website is here, unfortunately it is in Slovak language. 
 Read about our school, written by a pupil:
Read about Kysucké Nové Mesto, made by a pupil:

Read about Bratislava - Slovak capital city:

Nataniel wrote about Slovakia here.
Adam wrote about Slovakia here.
