Introducing the partners - Italy

The Instituto Comprensivo Toscanini is composed by eight schools. It is located in Lombardy, in the southern part of Varese, in a well developed area really near (10km) to Malpensa international airport of Milan. This institute was created in 2000 after the new vertical organization of the school system and now it collectes pupils from three towns: Besnate, Casorate e Arsago Seprio (around 15.000 inhabitants). The Toscanini students are from 3 to 13 years old. In the institute school there are about 1700 students and 140 teachers. Some children have special needs (behavior and learning difficulties), so we have special plans for them. About 10% of the students are children of immigrants (most of them are from Pakistan) and that’s why  we have a special  project to learn the Italian language and culture. Classes have  a wifi connection and one or more PC, and even a IWB.

For more information about the school click here :-) 

