Heroes during COVID19 days

All the children of our project have been confined to their homes from March the 16th. The saying STAY SAFE, STAY HOME is the best known saying of the 1st half of 2020. Across Europe and the US, rainbow drawings have started to appear since March. Drawing a rainbow on a piece of paper during Corona Times is believed to be a symbol of hope and taping it to the window is considered to express a sense of community with the rest of the world.
Slovak and Italian children of Childhood in a Box did some drawings like this and even if they are homeschooling during COVID 19 days, they linked their drawings to our project topic which, for the 2nd Year, is "HEROES".
So, you can discover our pupils´present days heroes. They are mostly doctors and nurses helping all the ill people fighting against new Corona Virus which started to spread from China in January 2020.
Slovak pupils are from the Year 6. Italian children are mostly from the Year 3, so they are younger than Slovak ones. What it is maybe interesting to tell you, is that our Italian children come from Lombardy, a region affected a lot by Corona Virus. When Slovak children taking part in this project saw and heard about the situation in Lombardy in the news at the end of February, they were worried. Corona virus did not only stopped all travelling and commercial activities worldwide, but it has also affected our project because it stopped our short stay of pupils which should have been held in Slovakia from the 15th of March.
So, talking about the heroes, we all are the heroes, although doctors and nurses are in the front line.
Hope we will meet again, if not during this project, maybe during another one because our common collaboration and pupils taking part in activities spread optimism and positivity. We are stronger together.

If looking at these drawings, do you agree with us?
