European Day of Languages in Slovakia

European Day of Languages in Slovakia

Students from 4.A and 5.B made posters about linguistic diversity of EU. They reminded languages of our E+ partner schools. We are lucky that our partner schools are from various European countries, for ex. Greece, Spain and Italy. 

The second Graders also learnt names of countries and their flags.

One part of students from 5.C worked during this special day in a funny way - they were supposed to meet students from Finland, France, Italy, Spain and Germany. Except Hello, we could hear everywhere in the classroom words such as Salut, Hola, Hei, Addios, Näkkemin, Bonjour, Guten Tag and Adios, too... 

The second group from 5.C worked in pairs and had a conversation about situations describing when a new student is coming at school for the first time.
