Xmas Around the World Day in Slovakia

Few people predicted the beginning of the new year like it was in 2021. The news from our partner schools in Europe said that even there the distance learning was on. 
Before Xmas, Slovak school received a package of books related to celebrations and Christmas time in different countries. Thanks to them we peeked into holiday habits of children from Britain, Greece, Germany, Italy or Spain. The 3rd Graders from 3B read a book from Usborne Publishing House called Christmas Around the World. Every student was leafing through her/his book and could enjoy the atmosphere of reading and learning new things in English. In the Year 4, with 4A pupils, we read a story called A Small Christmas Tree with a happy ending. Students also learnt that there are different habits in different countries. They also worked with a story "In The World Little Jesus Isn´t The Only One Who Delivers Christmas Presents" and The book called World of Cookies for Santa inspired them to prepare some Xmas sweets with their mums. 
Even during online education, we tried to develop the theme of multiculture. That´s why the 7th Graders did a reading activity and worked with texts from the book "Celebrations Around The World" although in this case they have to wait for coming back to school to be able to touch the real book and leaf it.
